Henry had a pretty awesome first two weeks of life. Here are some of the things he did:
He was born (May 2).
He starred in a film made by his dad.
He had his first bath.

He took lots of naps on his parents.
He received lots of kisses.
He helped dad model his Jedi outfit.

He visited the Fremont Troll.

so so funny.
that first bath picture is sooooo cute also the turn table one. (all of them really).
i want to hold him at THIS age.
All these pictures are bringing back these thoughts: crazy sleep deprivation haze, hours each day spent staring at new baby, feelings of near panic when baby is crying. Kinda hard but also pretty amazing. And I think the great news is that it keeps getting better with age! Can't wait to meet this little guy.
yay! congratulations, rob-rob and stephanie! he is so sweet!
You do exist!! I thought that you were a figment of my imagination. Glad, that I have your blog now to follow adventures.
I ♥ this post!! Looks like you've have a good life so far Henry!!
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