Monday, November 5, 2012

Maui 2012 video by Rob

Hooray, the video of our Maui trip is complete. And wonderful!

Return to Maui from New Land Media Works on Vimeo.

Now, how can I manage to go back again next year?


scuz said...

i dont know how you will manage it, better can we all manage to go with you!?

Nations said...

First of all, that kid of yours is getting cuter by the minute. Or blog post? And second, I wish you had been doing these videos when I got married, I totally would have bought one. Great work, Rob! Your family will treasure these forever.

The Frandsens said...

I love it! Every time I see one of your videos, I tell Dustin we HAVE to start doing this. What a priceless things to have. We'll hire you for classes!